Sometimes operating the Satcube in areas with heavy interference, locations with high buildings or trees limiting access to open sky you might want to set the GPS to manual. It is also advised to follow the same procedure to set the GPS back to automatic before moving to a new location.
This can be done in two ways. First way is via the Satcube settings menu. The second is via the terminal Webgui.
A. Via the display and settings menu (recommended)
1. On the Satcube terminal access the settings menu. Click on the button circled in the picture below.
2. Navigate to GPS settings and click the "OK" button.
3. Use the buttons on the terminal itself to set the GPS.
B. Via the terminal webgui
1.Access the web gui according to following guide:
2. Navigate to the "Settings" ribbon. To end up in the screen below.
2. Scroll down until the "Position" section. Set your GPS location to the desired location in that section.
Congratulations, you have now set the terminal GPS to a manual location.
To change back to automatic, choose the automatic option in either of the suggestions above.
Remember to change the GPS to automatic before moving to a new location or handing the equipment off to your colleague.
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