Accessing the Satcube webgui is done either via option A: automatically allocated IP or option B: manually set IP.
A. Accessing with automatically allocated IP (recommended)
1. Connect to the Satcube via Wifi or via ethernet cable. This can be done on both your phone or computer. The internal modem needs to be configured to give out DHCP.
2. On the Satcube terminal access the settings menu. Click on the button circled in the picture below.
3. On the following screen select device information. Click the "OK" button.
4. See the IP address on this screen. Write this IP address in your browser and you will be able to access the terminal gui.
B. Access via manual IP
1. Set static IP on the connecting device according to the following guide:
2. Write the IP address "" without "" in your browser address field.
Congratulations, now you should be able to access the terminal WebGUI.
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